Council of Sixteen

                                                                                             The Council of Sixteen

Are a Galactic group of Elders that oversee the incarnation process of Star Beings on to various planets, they also decide when required what actions are appropriate for the different projects that the Galactic Council are involved in .  Basically they are Overseers as they over see many worlds and situations.  The wise ones, untainted.  Anything remotely important has to be run through them.  Makes sure integrity is always there and have the final say on a lot of things 

Greetings.  The progress of each of you is going well and you are now in the space that no longer requires the "What Ifs".  These take you back to the denser energies and no longer where you play, unless you particularly want to!  Remember that is an individual choice and no judgement required for those that wish to do so.  By staying out of the "What Ifs" you stay in the NOW where anything is possible as you begin to discover new gifts and ancient skills coming back to your knowing.


Greetings. We are extremely delighted in the progress of humanity over the last week. Do not heed your headlines or media, feel the shift within your own hearts/minds and know this has been amplified throughout your planet, even to those that would scoff at the suggestion. The full moon today (15th Dec) marks the completion of a phase that began eons ago. For those that are awaiting the new world, we can say it is here. NOW. Feel it with your hearts and look within, as you each begin to do this you will begin to manifest it into a tangible reality .


Greetings.  Time as you know it, is changing and you will find many things are effortlessly falling away as you wait for the shift.
There is nothing you require to do other than enjoy the experience as it happens. It will be different for each of you so there is no competition between you.
The gift you can give yourself at this time is to stay hydrated, and rest when you can. The more you can do this, the easier it will be on your body.
NB I was seeing Himalayan/Celtic salt being added to the water for hydration 


Greetings.  We are delighted with your progress and how much has been achieved.  The way ahead is slowly opening up and becoming clearer for each of you.  We suggest you let things unfold rather than trying to make things fit as not everything is as you perceive it to be at this time.


Greetings. We are delighted with the expansion that is being felt by each of you. Many are trying to define it, we suggest you let go of this and just enjoy the different sensations you are beginning to experience. The less the head is involved the easier it is for expansion to take place. There is no competition and each of you have your own unique experience


Greetings. Much has been said about living in the NOW and putting it into reality appears to bring many challenges, as you each strive to do so and yet your mind still searches out what your next meal is/what's on the agenda tomorrow and so on. We would like to suggest that you treat it as an on going meditation, where you bring your focus back to the now whenever it starts to fly away. Eventually it will become easier and the difference in your life will be seen and felt on all levels.



Greetings. It is only when you look back at the journey you have been on that you can see how much you and the life you are living has changed. No matter how much you think nothing is moving and everything is stagnate, we can assure you that all is flowing beautifully. Sometimes you require a rest on a long journey to have the strength and stamina to move on again. Those periods that appear inert are your bodies requiring time out to reconfigurate to the new energies they are moving into and all is well.

Be gentle on yourselves and know how amazing you all are, for taking the assignments to be on your planet at this time.


Greetings. We are pleased with the progress each of you have made, and would like to acknowledge the journey you are on and how far you have come. Many are struggling just now with the energies and letting go of the old ways that no longer serves them and are focused on that, rather than embracing how much they have already shifted. By shifting your perspective in this way it will assist you in letting go of so much more and effortlessly so. Remember - what you focus on is what you bring into your reality.


Greetings . We are delighted to be with you and are pleased at how this period of your evolution is going. The solare flares are affecting many at this time and the light shows on your planet are a wonderful reminder of how amazing your world is and how physical changes can be seen as well as felt. This is the period of time for each of you to listen to your bodies as to what they personally require. Many of you require more sleep while others struggle with getting any. The same goes for the food you require, one day your body wants hardly anything if at all and the next day you find you are constantly eating. Whatever your body requires is right for you as it knows your agenda even if you do not. Use this time for you and everything else will fit into place.


Greetings.  We are delighted to see the progress that is happening on your planet at this time.  Many appear to be struggling and looking too much at the negative information that is being bandied about and believing it 100%.  We are here to remind you today that where you put your attention is what you ultimately manifest and yes easier said than done, at least in the beginning.  The more you catch your negative thoughts the easier it truly becomes until you have fully manifested the world you wish into existence.  We would like to remind you that it is not as far away as you perceive. 

Many shifts and changes have been happening on the planet in the last few weeks and are only starting to be noticed at a deeper level within your beings.  Take time each day to connect into your true core and acknowledge the smallest shift you feel within it; by doing this you will be able to map your own inner progress.  

Take our love and gratitude for the role you are each playing, during these amazing times. 


Greetings.  We are delighted to connect once again and give some insight into the times ahead.

Much has been written and spoken about the time you are living in, in this now moment,  We ask that each of you make the most of it and not look ahead too far as this will take you out of the 'now' and leave more opportunities for your monkey brain to run away,  with the 'what if's' and brings in doubt, fear and apprehension.  None of which do you any good.   So the greatest gift you can each give yourselves is being present in this "now" moment and embracing every opportunity that comes along for each of you.

Take our love and gratitude for what each of you are here to do as you weave your lights into the new world you have been waiting on.


Greetings.  We are extremely pleased with the progress over the last few days.  Many are stepping forward into the roles they have agree eons ago and now the 'real' work begins as the blending and melding of realities begin.

On the human side we ask each of you to be open at all times for new connections and opportunities as they will becoming up more and more. It is up to each of you whether you accept them or not.  There is no right or wrong "just is"  Use this time to get to know more of who you truly are and fear not who you think or perceive yourself to be.  Everything will unravel in the fullness of time and you will each look back at this time with wonder and understanding of what was to come and your role in it.


Greetings.  We welcome you all with open hearts and gratitude for the roles you have agreed to take at these exciting times on your planet. Much has yet to begin to slot into place, though we can tell you many pieces are ready for when the time is right.  Almost like a bell will ring and many pieces will be placed at once and the synchronicity will be breath taking and profound.  No thought has to go into this as much is being done behind the scenes for it all to flow effortlessly.

Take each day as the gift it is and look to the positive in every situation, no matter how it may appear there is always a golden ray of hope behind the darkest cloud.


Greetings.  It is with great delight and fortitude we greet you.

Much has been achieved in the last few days that will not come to light until further into your future.  Know what has been achieved is partly why many are so tired and struggling to be on your planet.  This is part of the 'new' being created.  Remember that to start something, you begin with a foundation, a solid foundation that can be built on.  You have all been working as a collective to bring about the change for the foundation to begin.


Greetings, we are pleased with how well you are all progressing during these turbulent times.  The turbulence is bringing up much to be looked at and let go off.  Try not to judge what you see playing out and rather be the observer.  Knowing you are watching history in the making and the change you have been waiting on is happening now.   Remember that many have their roles to play in these changing times for the New World you have been waiting on to come into reality.  An omelette cannot be made without first breaking the eggs and someone has that role.



Greetings. We greet each of you with heartfelt gratitude for what you have each undertaken at this time of momentous changes on your planet and in your world. There is no right or wrong - just is. The more you remember this the easier it will be for each of you. Judgement is restrictive as you tend to judge from a single view point, where if you step back and see it from a different angle/perspective, it will appear differently. Sometimes when all looks like it is going wrong it is actually going right and it requires stepping back and watching it all unfold until you see the gift that it was rather than the disaster it appeared to be. Often the biggest tragedy brings out the kindness of others at an awesome rate, where they only think of being of service and not what they can get out of it. This is the way forward and you will see many times this scenario plays out over the coming decades until assisting others will become the norm. When all start to ‘work’ as ONE


Greetings.  We are delighted to greet you all again and assist with the way forward.

Much has been spoken and written about this time and you each have the unique experience of being here for it,  feeling the change not only outwardly but inwardly too.  Many have not appreciated this would happen and are struggling with the changes going on in their bodies.  We suggest you take time each day to sit and feel into your body and every cell within it, if you do so, you will begin to see/feel the subtle difference that have been taking place.  This is a wonderful barometer to see how how much you are physically/mentally changing and show gratitude to your body for how amazing it is and how it can still function even during major shifts within it.  Each time you thank your body you have given it permission to bring in more energy for greater change.  The speed of this process is actually up to each one of you to decide for yourselves.  We do suggest you refrain from a wonderful saying we often hear "bring it on" as this can cause body overload and requires longer for your body to adjust - a bit like being in a car crash, where you continue moving when the vehicle has stopped and it takes time for your internal organs to recuperate from the force of impact.

Be gentle to yourselves and remember and ask for assistance if required.  The Universe has your back.


Greetings from the council of Sixteen.  We are full of delight and jubilation at how well the energies are being received on your planet.  There were many discussions on the pace this would take and we have been closely monitoring it; ready for any adjustments to be made.  The main comment we have been aware of is "bring it on" as the belief appears to be the quicker the energies ramp up the faster the 'New World' will become into existence.  This is not quite the case though we do love your enthusiasm for it taking place.  There are times we require to slow the energies down a little to give your bodies time to adjust and realign.  Many will be feeling their sleep and eating pattern have completely gone askew, this we can tell you is 'normal' and a wonderful gift to let you see/feel for yourselves that things are changing and to go with the flow as much as possible.

Remember there is no right or wrong - just is.  We are observing you all and are proud of the journey each of you are on and the weaving that is now starting to take place between you and this will increase as time goes on.  We stand to honour and applaud you all.

You are the change you wish to see.


Greetings from the Council of Sixteen. We are pleased and jubilant at how much has been achieved at this time. Many are starting to step back from the drama that has been playing out around them and seeing it as the illusion that it is and how fear can control with very little effort. The more each of you start to step into your own ‘power’ the easier it is on you. This is something that each of you has the ability to do and often it is only your own fear that is stopping you. No one else can do it for you, no matter how many classes, initiations or codes you receive it is still a personal journey for you and it is easier than you perceive it to be. Take time and ask yourself what is the worst that can happen if you step back from the drama. If you feel panic at the thought of it ask for ‘assistance’ and feel the support surrounding you, giving you the strength to be who you came here to be.  A magnificent Being of Light


Greetings we are delighted with the progress that is being made and for your participation in it. Many are struggling with the new energies as they are of a different frequency to what you have been used to. By changing the frequency it is similar to going up a level on the escalator, no effort required apart from putting your feet on it and adjusting when you step off it. As the next few weeks go in you will begin to feel the difference to your bodies and surroundings. There is nothing for you to do apart from connecting in to all that is and staying hydrated. 


Greetings dear ones. We really are at a pivotal time in your evolution where much of what you thought was true you are now discovering it wasn't. This is all as it should be as the veils of deceit and control are taken off, and your eyes and bodies become adjusted to the truth and lighter frequencies. Keeping hydrated and your own council will help each of you greatly to move more effortlessly through these times.

Remember and be the observer rather than the participant and it will serve you well.


It is with delight we greet you all tonight. The 2nd phase has begun in earnest and we applaud each of you for your participation in getting everyone to this phase.

Many are feeling the fear of the uncertainty and we would like to remind you that you each KNOW that all is well and going according to the greater plan and there are many assisting this from throughout the Universe and beyond. Much of the work has already been completed and it is for you to feel this completion and go with this knowing and see it come into reality.

Stay in the knowing and let everything else fall away, feeling it resonate through your body with a strength you have not felt before.

This is the way forward into what you call the New World

Greetings oh blessed ones.  We are extremely pleased at the progress of the last few days.  Much more has been achieved than we had hoped possible and we are back ahead of schedule again.

We  ask each of you to use this time to restore your energy levels and nurture your bodies ready for the next stage of development and movement.

Many are feeling a light headedness that they aren't used to and this we tell you is 'normal' with where and what you are up to.  Many are also feeling the weight of the world on their shoulders, which is also affecting their physical body with head/neck and shoulder pains.  As you move through this stage of evolution these pains will subside and a lightness will be felt instead.  Know that all is well and ahead of schedule and the Universe and Light Beings applaud you for the 'work' you are doing and what has been achieved.


It is with great delight and joy we greet you all today and remind you that the way ahead is filled with golden opportunities for all of you. Much has been written and speculated about this period in the history of your planet and you have all agreed to be part of this amazing experiment. We say experiment not experience as much can change as you decide where you place your thoughts and energies, it is an individual choice that you alone can make. 

If we were to impart any words of wisdom to you, it is to reach for the highest frequencies you can and stay there as much as possible as it will help you to retain balance and see everything unfold as an observer. By being an observer you hold balance within you and are not filled with fear of what is to come but the love overflowing for all


We greet you all today with a lightness of heart as we commend you all on the work you have achieved, consciously or not. If you could but see how hard you are all working you would be able to give yourself a pat on the back and be kinder to yourselves. As we have explained before, this is not a race and no one is greater or lesser than another and the more you come together to support each other, through the coming years the easier it will be on you all. 

Many are awaiting a sign or directions on what to do, where to go and yet this is not fully the case. You are each unique beings from all over the Universe, many sitting in councils discussing and sometimes disagreeing with each other how best to assist your planet and people. Many are listening to these discussions in large auditoriums so all that are sitting there get the information at the same time and yet decipher it differently that is why so many modalities are similar even if they are on different sides of the world. 

Take time each day to connect to all that is and know all is well and ahead of time. Remember to breathe and have fun and laughter in your life as this helps to keep your vibrations high and assists in keeping out of 3D.

We thank you for your time and patience as we navigate the new world into existence

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